IT transformation and systems integration for a luxury travel company.


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Success Story

A premier travel service specialising in high-end Caribbean holidays sought to redefine its digital engagement to match its reputation for exclusivity and luxury.

Customer Challenges

The travel company has decided to revamp their online presence as travel returned post-COVID. Their internal office systems and CRM systems traditionally had not been connected to their online booking system requiring duplication and manual processes, which led to data and effort duplication and individual data silos.

Partner Solutions

Introduced Modern Workplace: Enabled remote working and close in-office collaboration by upgrading computers and Office to Microsoft 365.

Bespoke Booking Integration: Applicita Software solution business unit developed integration between the new online booking system and the existing CRM and billing system.

Upgraded office wireless network and internet connectivity for efficient access to the internet.

Customer Benefits

Intuitive Booking Experience: Clients enjoy streamlined, personalised holiday planning with the upgraded platform.

Improved Customer Visibility: Bespoke integration allowed for effective prospects and engagement and repeat business.  

Reliable Connectivity: Constant, reliable access to cloud services and other collaborations from remote workers.

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IT transformation and systems integration for a luxury travel company.

A premier travel service specialising in high-end Caribbean holidays sought to redefine its digital engagement to match its reputation for exclusivity and luxury.